Care & Maintenance

Although vinyl windows are virtually maintenance free, a minimal amount of maintenance and cleaning is required to keep them looking fresh and new.

Vinyl and glass surfaces should be cleaned using a mild detergent then rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft rag. Do not use any type of harsh or abrasive cleaning substances or abrasive pads and do not use a pressure washer ever to clean windows or doors.

To clean screens, simply remove them, hose them off with water and leave them to air dry. Do not use a pressure washer or any cleaning solvents on screens.

Drainage channels and sweep holes must be kept clear of dirt, bugs, snow and ice to allow for proper drainage to the outside.

Operating hardware generally requires no maintenance or lubrication, but in rare cases or conditions, lubrication may be required. A light silicone lubricant is recommended.


Stain Finishes

